Robert Nadler
Painter, Illustrator, Caricaturist and Architect
Robert Nadler 1934-1997
Robert Nadler's drawings are beyond words, they are a world which has its own laws, a world which is its own creation. Their source might be the world of shapes we know, from the smallest animal to the largest, but if the drawing knows their way of life, the structure of their bodies and has internalized them, under Nadler's hand the impossible is created. We find that wonderful dialogue that is far beyond humanization, far beyond a different representation – it is a world of imagined reality.
Every one of Nadler's works is an analogy for an open window onto the world. Every one of them invites us on a journey of color, light and form; every one creates a world, makes us smile, raises an eyebrow; every one tells a story even before its words take shape in the narrator's mind and those words are the product of the personal and special view of someone who met the artist by chance.
Yoav Dagon, Herzliya Museum of Art director and curator